Be an arts sponsor, get your product or service in front of discerning customers.

Visiting Artist studios provides people an opportunity to get out and about into the countryside.

Arts trail, will be in a relaxed state of mind as visiting studio is lots of fun.

From a business point of view, art collectors have disposable income…

Artist2U, can provide you with an opportunity to put your products or service in front a discerning client.

For example:

Art collectors more than likely own their own home and want to furnish and decorate it…

On average people move home every 7 years… Artist2U could be an ideal place to advertise if your business is in Real Estate.

Art Collectors may want to have a new home built – if your business builds or furnishes new homes.

Art Collectors need to visit the Artist studios, they have to get there somehow – if your business sells or hires vehicles.

If you have a hospitality business, tie into the Arts trail.

Please make contact if you would like to talk about a sponsorship deal:

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